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Terrorism has no Religion but Terrorists do possess one-

When we take a close tour of our own day-to-day behavior, we find that there are only a few settings (direct or indirect) in which the whole world tend to act unitedly within certain self-created circumstances and, unfortunately, there is only one case of this type that is the aftermath of a terrorist activity. Today in this intrinsic world the primary and the most carving need of a basic human being is love, peace, unity, and friendship. According to the political analyst and terrorism expert Bruce Hoffman, “Terrorism is ineluctably political in aims and motives, violent or, equally important, threatens violence, designed to have far-reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or target, conducted by an organization with an identify-able chain of command or conspiratorial cell structure (whose members wear no uniform or identifying insignia), and perpetrated by a subnational group or non-state entity.” Actually whenever we pronounce the word “terrorism” only one thing comes to our mind that is a group of insane sick-minded people using guns and bombs targeting the innocent civilians and at the same time the word “terrorism” remind us and the government about the expectation of a civilian from the police, the judicial system, and the government regarding the kind and the level of punishment for an offender or a violator of the human law. Though a lot of scholars give a lot of intellectual definition for terrorism but for common people terrorism is something that makes us analyze the level of fear and anxiety around us, evokes a central fear of defenselessness, stops our usual functioning resulting into the failure in maintenance of our daily routines and causes tremendous amount of physical, mental, and economic loss. But the interrogation starts when we try to figure out the causes of these inhumane activities and the force acting behind it so effectively. The main causes of terrorism include the conflicting ideologies, the politics, and the religion.
Each and every terrorist activity is actually motivated by a particular psychic ideology that forcibly creates a cause to justify the use of terror for sending a message to the targeted audience. If we go a little deeper in the meaning of terrorism we find that the act of terrorism is actually triadic which means it involves the executioner, the victim, and the target audience. According to Psychology, terrorism is an act of violence that is deliberately and intentionally carried out by the perpetrator in order to influence the outlooks and the functioning of a wider target audience. Putting it in an organized way we can say that, the central objective behind each and every act of terrorism is hidden somewhere between the perpetrators and the target audiences, whereas the actual victims, who undergo all the callousness and inhumaneness are just the puppets used by the perpetrators to send messages to those wider audiences. And these intended messages are basically the psychological interpretation (normally Negative) of a personal or sometimes collective ideological orientation regarding a state, a community, an organization, or a civic body. These ideologies can be in favor of state power or in opposition to state power, led by the radicals or the extremists, influenced by the conservatism or liberalism, can be religious or irreligious, for a boundless range of calculatedly generated causes. Therefore, a person can a terrorist for a certain group of people whereas for others the same person is a freedom fighter.  Regardless of the approach a person choose while identifying underlying circumstances, a terrorist is only identified by the way he or she respond to those ideological circumstances. 
Other important causes of terrorism include religion, which is directly or indirectly motivating the perpetrator for a terrorist activity. After making a close study of the causes of all the act of terrorism, researchers found that one of the biggest reason of an act of terrorism is that terrorists  were unhappy with the way government was treating the Muslims, usually unfairly (according to terrorists) with respect to other religion. Another claim that a terrorist organization constantly make is that their purpose behind these violent activities of is to save the morals and dignity of Islamism with an intentional effort to promote and make the targeted audience believe in Islamism. Analyzing Islamism and its teaching of “Jihad”, which in recent years has been the theoretical justification of all the terrorist activities, once conventionally meant the ethical and spiritual struggle by a Muslim against his/her evil and malicious inclinations we find that nowadays in the eye of a terrorist the word “jihad” means a violent but holy technique of war against other human beings, who are not following Islam or who are trying to limit the expansion of Islamism. On the other hand, some Muslim leaders try to connect terrorism with the misinterpretation of the teachings of Islam. And nowadays misinterpretation is a common word to hear. Whenever there is an act of terrorism then all the media including the social media get flooded with the message that terrorism has no religion and the biggest similarity in all the messages except for its meaning is that in almost all the cases the generator of these messages is a follower of Islam. We all know that the Islamism has been constantly denying that the fact that terrorists do follow Islamism but this denial inflicts a question mark on the legitimacy of their own opinions because if a terrorist really does not follow any religion then why after every terrorist activity only the Muslims have to come forward to give a clearance over this issue, why not the followers of any other religion have to do that. And the answer to this question is also quite simple, it's only because almost all the terrorists at a certain point of time once followed Islam and according to them they are still following real Islamism. If we try to answer the same question using psychological terms the we find that it is the psychotic inclination of all human beings to follow the self-enhancement method of self-serving bias which signify the tendency each and every human being to attribute one`s success as personal factor and one`s failure as situational factor and in the same manner Islamism credits its teachings for all the good deeds of its followers and deny to held its teachings responsible for all the bad deeds (terrorism) of its followers. At the same time when we look deeply into the arguments put forward by the Muslim followers for proving that the terrorist does not follow any religion, we find that one of the most constantly used theory is that it is only 0.01percent of Muslims who are interpreting the teachings of Muslims in a deviant way resulting into terrorism whereas another 99.99percent of its population is still living a normal life. But when we look into the directory of every other religion we find that there are instances of its followers committing crimes (where targeted audience is the actual victims) but there are negligible cases related to terrorism (where targeted audience is the third party and the actual victim is merely an instrument). All these stats suggest that even if Islamism completely deny its involvement in terrorism, the studies suggest that almost all the terrorist organization is somehow associated with the religion, Islam. So, instead of walking away from the reality, Islamism should go back and try to reinvestigate its morals and teachings thoroughly because it is a really serious and sensitive matter that is resulting into the death of several families and merely a denial cannot change the truth.
Now the third and another root causes of terrorism is precisely related with being democratic. When we look at the world map showing the birthplace of terrorism we find that terrorism mainly originated from the counties having weak or no democracy and this clearly proves the fact that why all the political thinkers of the world stress on having or building a strong democratic world where each and every country has a well-established democracy. However, the irony is that terrorism originally starts from a non-democratic country and usually targets a democratic country. According to a recent study, countries that are close to full democracies have experienced almost three times as many terrorist attacks whereas fully democratic countries have comparably fewer and moderate level of terrorist attacks. In contrast, the autocratic countries have the lowest incident of terrorism. All these findings take to another drastic conclusion that the terrorist organization completely hate democratic settings because more democratic a country is the fewer are the chances that the terrorist organizations can rule that country. And that`s why the act of terrorism is generally common and frequent in the countries heading toward becoming democratic. So, by analyzing this theory of democracy we can actually say that an act terrorism is somehow influenced by the hidden desire of ruling the targeted audience.



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